North River Shores Property Owners Association Inc. is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors that are elected by its members.  The Board of Directors meet at 7 pm on the third Wednesday of every month except July, August, November, and December. The Board of Directors does not have a physical office and meets at the Library of First Presbyterian Church.  If you would like to address the Board of Directors please call us at (772) 692-3939 so we can put you on the next meeting agenda.

The board members are elected by the members for a three (3) year term at the annual members meeting held in November each year at the First Presbyterian Church on Pine Lake Drive.  Officers of the Board of Directors are elected by the board members themselves.


2024 Board Of Directors

President - Kathryn Kaidy
Vice President Deed Restrictions - Tim Newton
Treasurer - Jim Rizzolo
Secretary - Julie Angello
Director, Social Committee - Dave Weston
Board Member at Large - Brent Graeson
Board Member at Large - Erin Jenkins
Board Member at Large - Jon Brown
Board Member at Large - Rich Moulton